Basic Sales Training
Uncovering the true art of ‘Sales’

Session Objective
What is selling? On the face of it, a simple question. Were surrounded by selling messages every second of every day but in order to truly understand sales you have to strip away everything that has built up around it to identify the who and what lies at the centre of the process. By the end of this session learners will have a clear understanding of the fundamental skills involved in successful sales and how to build customer interest using a compelling sales structure.
Session Content
What is Selling?
Understanding customer motivation
The customers and consumers buying journey
Mastering the key sales skills
Starting right – a good opening
Questioning Techniques – asking the right questions
Listening and hearing – whats the difference?
Structuring the presentation – making the decision easy
Increasing need and building want
Facts versus benefits – the true sales message
Handling objections
Recogonising buying signals & gaining commitment