Time Management Programme
It’s not rocket science – so why is it so hard?

Programme Schedule
This programme is based around the premise that in order for time management training to have genuine impact, learners need to have a comprehensive understanding of how they are currently allocating their time. Hence the programme is split into three distinct phases:
Phase 1: half day Training Session
The purpose of the initial half day Training Session is to gain buy-in to the concept of time being manageable. Often, people have an innate sense of what they could or should change about their time management – so why dont they? Simply sharing clever time management tips wont necessarily result in a change to working habits. There needs to be a genuine belief in the worth of making that change.
Phase 2: The Time Sheet
For a period of 5 consecutive working days, each learner keeps a detailed record of how they actually spend their time via a Time Sheet. Days are split into 30 minute segments and an ongoing record is kept of the primary focus during that segment – the more detailed the better. Although this can be done electronically, learners tend to give more information when they physically write it down.
Phase 3: 1 day Training Session
This second 1 day session firstly analyses how time is being allocated using the completed Time Sheets. Following a simple formula, the sheets reveal what percentage of time is being allocating to each task. This in itself can be an interesting and revealing exercise. The session then proceeds to encourage people to look at ways they can choose to manage their time differently by identifying time bandits and by the application of some proven time management strategies.
Application & Evaluation
The session ends with the completion of a 4 week Action Plan aimed at encouraging those involved to truly make an effort to apply what they have learnt. This can then be followed up by a further session (with the trainer if desired) to evaluate what changes have happened and what impact that has had and also, what changes haven’t happened and importantly, why.